Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Train

So, I had the opportunity to ride the light rail a couple of times lately. I must say that it is a very exciting thing to do... On Thursday I rode it to my sister's house in Phoenix. I rode from Main/Sycamore to Central/Campbell. It was about an hour ride, but I got a lot done. I read some of my psych book and listened to music. I think I want to get a pass and just ride it from end to end on my days off and do my homework, it's peaceful. I like trains... 

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

At the end of the day, it is what it is

Well, it certainly has been a while since I have written anything on here... I guess that not many things in my life are blog-worthy! Christmas has come and gone, as well as the new year. Christmas was such a fun time! Eric and I, of course, opened our gifts a few days (maybe a week..) before hand... But it was worth it! On Christmas Eve, we went to church with my mom and Greg, and then we drove around and looked at lights. Let me tell you, lights used to be so much better! What is wrong with people?! Why does no one decorate like they used to... Darn HOAs... After looking at lights, we stopped my Fili-Bs and got some food. It's so good, but so gross at the same time. Then, we just kinda hung out with my parents for a while and headed home. On Christmas morning, Jessi came over to our place, as well as my dad, Windy, Taelor, and Marli. It was pretty fun! We took TONS of pictures of Dylan's first christmas (check them out at After that, we headed to Mom's again for the big party! Everyone was there except for Sandi and Steven (they went to Disneyland). After a long day of gift opening and hanging out, it was time for sleep. There was a week of work, then it was New Years! We didn't do ANYTHING... I didn't get out of work on New Year's Eve until 9, which means I didn't get home until around 9:30. We watched a couple episodes of Law and Order, and went to bed. So exciting....
Work has been rather interesting lately... We are moving across the street into the mall so soon! I can hardly wait to get out of our old dirty store. But, like a wise man once said, you can't polish a turd. Hopefully the new location works out well for us. The store looks nice! Our product process manager tried to get me to help with merchandising the week before we opened, to which my direct manager responded "Hell No." I guess it feels nice to be wanted... But I would have loved to help set up the new store! Not to mention that I would be working 6am-4pm M-F and then have the weekend off... Can't win em all I suppose. I also found out that Julie Gilbert, WOLF #1, decided to take advantage of the voluntary separation package offered to all corporate employees. Come February 12th, we will have a new WOLF (Women's Leadership Forum) leader. Julie has been such an inspiration to many women across the company and the world, and will be missed! I'm a little nervous to see how things go on the store level.......
In more exciting news, I went to bring Eric lunch today. That's not the exciting part, the exciting part is that the cops came into the store looking for me! AHHH!!! Well, it's nothing like that. Apparently, someone opened a Best Buy Credit Card with someone else's identity and I rang them out. I didn't do anything wrong, they just want me to look at some pictures and pick out who, if any of them, was the person who opened the account. I'm so excited... The Detective is going to meet me while I get my oil changed tomorrow. WEE!!! My baby is getting her second oil change. I still haven't even named her yet... so sad!