Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Formula is NOT poison

I swear, if I hear one more person complain about how hard it is to give their baby lowly formula, I'm going to rip out my hair. All of it. I did not have a drop of breast milk. My mom was still an amazing mother. And you know what? I don't have a low IQ, I excelled on standardized tests, and I hardly ever got/get sick. The same goes for my two sisters who were also FORMULA FED. I know, you're probably shocked by this. Good grief. Why do people think it's so awful to formula feed? I know breastfeeding is a good thing, and I don't have anything against it. But I just don't understand why people make it seem like the end of the world to give your baby formula. The only important thing is that the kid gets fed. The end.


Kathy said...

My only gripe, Mckenna doesn't handle formula well. She spits up a lot. It's not bad, just some babies don't have a good reaction. ...then again some kiddos spit up breast milk just as much...depends on the baby.

vflipo said...

That's an understandable gripe, though. Most people don't have a gripe other than they think their kid will be stupid because they had formula.

Little Beachs said...

I always thought formula was bad because people made it seem bad. Then I had my own little girl and my milk was not enough to get her to gain weight or get all the nutrients she needs so I do half and half. She is perfect! Formula is awesome!

Erica Ann said...

Amen Valerie. Ya, I did breast feed until 6 months but then my body had just had enough and dried up and Ruby has had formula ever since. Even when I was breast feeding though I would give her formula too. She spit up just as much breastfeeding as she does with formula. Some people are idiots.

The Standages said...

Now, I in now way think that formula is poison. I was actually formula fed and I think I turned out just peachy.

With that being said for the vast majority of babies breast milk is the best. It was tailored specifically for them. Formula is not bad at all, but it will just never be breast milk. It would be like if they who of them took a test. Formula would get a 99%. Which is awesome. But breast would get 100%. Make sense?

I don't think any mother who is feeding their child is bad. Formula or breast, as long as they are thriving, it's fine in my book.

Also, I wouldn't give up the bond I feel with Dalton while breastfeeding for anything in the entire world. :)