Monday, May 24, 2010

The Mystery Continues!!

For having absolutely no medical history, I have a LOT of problems. I swear, whenever I fill out one of those things at the doctor's office that asks about your family's history, they look at me like I have 6 heads for having medical problems. But, apparently, I don't really have medical problems.
I went in Thursday because my ears have been killing me for a while. There's no infection. She didn't know what my problem was. So, I'm using Nasonex and pseudoephedrine to "see if that helps." I did mention my coughing problem that I have. I've had this cough off and on for a couple of years. It only comes on when I am really stressed out or over do things. She thinks I might have exercise-induced asthma. I got to get a chest x-ray and then I go back on Friday to do some pulmonary function tests. I get to run around the building at 2 in the afternoon. Stupid me didn't recall that part of our conversation when I scheduled the follow up appointment. "Would you like morning or afternoon?" My thoughts were "I would love to sleep in on my day off" so my mouth said "Afternoon." Of course it's at 2PM ... As soon as I walked out the door I thought "I'm a dumb ass... It's summer... I'm going to run around in the scorching heat!" Oh well, I guess it will make my decreased pulmonary function that much easier to test... or something.

1 comment:

Chasity @ Haute Mommy Blog said...

Hey, I found your blog via the bump. I have had a chronic cough for like two years off and on. I started using an inhaler (asmanex) daily and another right before I exercise (xopenex) and my cough has disappeared!