Sunday, May 2, 2010

An attempt at insight.

Welcome to the 21st century. In the 21st century, kids get cell phones in Elementary School. In the 21st century, dinner with friends consists of eating and tweeting about eating with your friends. In the 21st century, cell phones can do almost everything computers can. In the 21st century, socializing means commenting on someone's Facebook status.

What. The. Fuh.

I'm ready to get out and do other things... I absolutely love my phone, and it is pretty incredible. But, human interaction is much better than anything my phone can do.


Anonymous said...

Oooh what phone? lol :P

vflipo said...

The HTC Incredible. I was considering making a post devoted to my phone. But, I don't think I can do that now...

Anonymous said...

OOh that phone looks neat! I have the samsung moment, a big bigger but it has a keyboard and with my fred flinstone thumbs, i can't type on a touch screen, lol.

vflipo said...

We should go on a date and play with our phones.