Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I haven't logged on to my school site for a few days since all I have left is the final exam, which is supposed to be August 1st. For some reason, I decided to jump on today, and I had an email waiting for me from my BIO160 instructor. The email started out saying there is going to be a scheduled power outage and server update that will affect Riolearn on August 1st. The next few lines I expected to say were something along the lines of the final being moved up a day or something. Then, much to my surprise, I got the best news possible. The final exam deadline has been extended one week, August 8th! Hooray!! I love the extra week I am given to study :) The only downside is that I took Thursday-Saturday off this week in order to prepare for the final, study study study. Plus, I'm scheduled to work on the 8th, and we have a meeting at 7am! YIKES!! The good news is that my schedule is pretty flexible so I can probably still get the time off that I need :) I love my job, in case you were wondering. I got so much done today; it felt good!

I better get back to this studying business! I am going to make the most out of this extra week and hopefully get an A+++

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